All photos © Steve Reinke



25th Anniversary (2006)

Here are pictures from our 25th anniversary trip. We went just about 3000 miles. We had a couple of detours due to snow.

We were able to drive through the Black Hills and the Badlands in South Dakota okay. We stopped at Devil’s tower in Wyoming. Then we headed to Glacier National Park in upper Montana. It was a great drive and we were going to take Driving to the Sun Highway, but when we got to the east entrance we discovered it was still too early in the year and it was closed. We had to turn around and drive around the park.

Then we headed to Spokane and then to Yellowstone. We were going to drive around inside Yellowstone and then to the Tetons. We couldn’t go in one direction because of snow and the road out of the south end of Yellowstone was closed due to... yep, snow. We had to go out the west side of Yellowstone and drive done to Jackson, Wyoming. We missed the Tetons, because it was dark by the time we hit Jackson. The pass just south of Jackson has a 10% grade. It was our first time on that steep of grade.

Other than that, it was a great trip.

I have organized the pictures into the different places. The Trip Photos are just ones taken while we were driving between places. One other thing, I’m still working on captions.

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