All photos © Steve Reinke



Water Leak

Oh the joy...

We had a water line going from the water supply, into the attic and the refrigerator for the ice maker. It broke. Betty came home and found the water coming through a hole in the ceiling. It couldn’t have been very long, because we didn’t have that much damage, but we had enough. Here’s my photo essay of it. The Lord really protected us, because it didn’t happen when we were gone.

We were leaving on the trip, had to deal with a car issue and then this happened. We struggled to get it done, before we left, but didn’t make it. We did get enough done to be ready for our friend, the floor installer, to put in the new floor. We came back to the mess. Oh, joy...

Click on a picture to enlarge it.

Workroom Carpet 1

Workroom Carpet 2

Hallway Carpet

Ceiling Fan

Culprit 1

Culprit 2



Fans 1

Fans 2

Fans 3

Removal 1

Removal 2

Removal 3

Removal 4

Removal 5

Removal 6

Aftermath 1

Aftermath 2

Aftermath 3

Preparation 1

Preparation 2

Preparation 3

Drywall Finish 1

New Floor 1

New Floor 2

New Floor 3

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